Article 1: the founded IAA is called "ITC Alumni Association Bangladesh", here after called IAAB, which is of unlimited duration and whose seat is in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Article 2: the IAAB is a non-profit-making professional organization. It is by denomination neutral and prohibits any form of discrimination of race, sex, religion or age. The IAAB is open to any individual having been a student at the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) in the Netherlands, who is interested in its activities or eager to give support (material, financial, intellectual ...) necessary for its operation.
Article 3: The seat of the IAAB can be transferred to any other location in the country by decision from its General Committee (GC) which, in addition remains qualified for any decision to dissolve the IAAB.
Article 4: The IAAB has the following objectives:
- To establish and maintain contact between former students of the ITC,
- To promote cultural and scientific exchanges within and outside of the alumni, To contribute to the promotion of technical and Scientific exchanges between Bangladesh and the Netherlands,
- To promote technical and scientific collaboration between the ITC and its former students,
- Facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the former Students of the ITC,
- Pursue partnerships with other IAAs in other countries.
Article 6: Membership requests are addressed to the President, Executive Committee of IAAB. Membership becomes final after approval by the General Committee.
Article 7: the operational bodies of the IAAB are:
- The General Committee (G.C)
- The Executive Committee (E.C.)
Article 8: The General Committee is the highest authority of the IAAB and is composed of all its members. Chaired by the President of the Executive Committee, it meets annually on invitation of its President. It elects from its middle the members of the Executive Committee.
Article 9: Only the General Committee is qualified to amend the Charter of the IAAB and this is done on proposal of the Executive Committee.
Article 10: The General Committee can invite, in an advisory capacity, any person as a guest or speaker to its meetings. With the restriction that non-members cannot take part in any decision-making process.
Article 11: Independently of its annual sessions, the president can convene extra meetings of the General Committee on proposal of the Executive Committee or on request of a third of the members of the IAAB.
Article 12: The General Committee can appoint a Patron and/or honorary members to the IAAB.
Section II: the Executive Committee
Article 13: The Executive Committee is the executive body of the IAAB. It takes all decisions of the IAAB and manages its resources. It elects the President for the tasks which are entrusted to him/her.
Article 14: The members of the Executive Committee are elected for a three year renewable mandate by the General Committee at her annual session. The positions that need to be filled are as follows:
- President: represents the IAA in all the civil acts and ensures effective operation of the Executive Committee. He/she convenes and directs the meetings of the IAA. He/she promotes the relations with other national or foreign organizations.
- Vice-President 1: assists the President in his task and replaces him/her in the event of absence.
- Vice-President 2: assists the President in his task and replaces him/her in the event of absence.
- General Secretary: draws up the reports of all the meetings and ensures the drafting of the reports/ratios and documents to be submitted to the General meeting; He/she is in charge of all correspondence of the IAA inside as outside the country
- Joint General Secretary: assists the General Secretary in his task and replaces him/her in the event of absence.
- Treasurer: in charge of the management of the financial resources of the IAA. He/she is charged with the accounting and to develop the annual budget. He/she handles all expenses of the IAA after consultation with the Executive Committee.
- Publication and Cultural Secretary: Keeping all documents of the IAAB and publish the newsletters, souvenir etc.
- Member: There will be ten (10) general members in the IAAB executive committee.
Article 16: The mandate is free of obligation or charge.
Article 17: The Executive Committee meets each time the circumstances require it.
Article 18: The Executive Committee submits to the General Committee her annual plan of activities and is held, at the end of its mandate, to provide an exhaustive management report. It draws up the agenda of the General Committee.
Article 19: The Executive Committee holds a register of the members of the IAAB.
Article 20: The membership of the IAAB can be lost:
Article 21: The charter can be modified or amended only by the General Committee on proposal of the executive Committee.
Article 22: An internal charter of procedures and regulations can be drafted for the IAAB to guide its daily operation. All the provisions not envisaged by this charter will otherwise be the subject of decision by the General Committee.